Today while trying to download the latest HP customized VMware ESXi Installation I found a download page that I previously wasn’t aware of. It’s a one stop shop for HP ESXi 4.x, 5.0 and 5.1 customized ISO images. The 5.x links point directly to VMware download locations, so you don’t have to go through the HP registration process to get the ISO images. They also have links to the offline bundles and the VIBs depot. A great one stop resource for HP ProLiant customers. Check out the page here.
The latest vSphere 5.x images were released in Sept 2012, so if you are using older installation media, pop over to the site and download the latest. If you want to build a custom HP-ized install media with the latest security patches and bug fixes, follow my blog post here. The post is slightly dated with the driver links, but the concept is the same and you can download the latest drivers yourself to make a replica of the Sept 2012 HP version.