Session BCO2701. This was very fast paced, and I missed jotting down a lot of the slide content. If you attended VMworld then I recommend you listen to the recording to get all of the good bits of information.
vSphere HA – what’s new in 5.5
- VSAN Support
- AppHA integration
What is HA? Protects against 3 failures:
- Host failures, VM crashes
- host network isolated and datastore incurs PDL
- Guest OS hangs/crashes and application hangs/crashes
Best Practices for Networking and Storage
- Redundant HA network
- Fewest possible hops
- Consistent portgroup names and network labels
- Route based on originating port ID
- Failback policy = no
- Enable PortFast
- MTU size the same
Networking Recommendations
- Disable host monitoring if network maintenanceis going on
- vmkinics for vSphere HA on separate subnets
- Specify additional network isolation addresses
- Each host can communicate with all other hosts
Storage Recommendations
- Storage Heartbaeats – All hosts in the cluster should see the same datastores
Best Practices for HA and VSAN
- Heartbeat datastores are not necessary in a VSAN cluster
- Add a non-VSAN datastore to cluster hosts if VM MAC address collisions on the VM network are a significant concern
- Choose a datastore that is fault isolated from VSAN network
- Isolation address – use the default gateways for the VSAN networks
- Each VSAN network should be on a unique subnet
vSphere HA Admission Control
- Select the appropriate admission control policy
- Enable DRS to maximize likelihood that Vm resource demands are met
- Simulate failures to test and assess performance
- Use the impact assessment fling
- Percentage based is often the best choice but need to recalculate when hosts are added/removed
Tech Previews of FT
- FT will support up to v 4CPUs and 64GB of RAM per VM
- FT now uses separate storage for the primary and secondary VMs
- New FT method does not keep CPUs in lock step, but relies on super fast check pointing
Tech Preview HA
- VM Component protection for storage is a new feature
- Problem: Detects APD and PDL situation
- Solution: Restarts affected VMs on unaffected hosts
- Shows a GUI with options for what you want to protect against
Tech Preview of Admission control fling
- Assesses the impact of losing a host
- Provides sample scenarios to simulate
Where can I find this impact assessment fling? I don't see it on the VMware Labs site.
Per VMware, the fling will be available in 1-2 months. So keep checking the fling pages.