.Next 2016: Don’t leave behind Baremetal Workloads

Presenters: Mike McGhee (NTX), Tabrez Memon (NTX), Tim Issaacs (NTX)

Why bare metal? Oracle Licensing, performance perception, Legacy apps (Sun, IBM, HPUX), investment protection

High Performance Databases – a few times you might not virtualize

  • Licensing cost
  • Virtualized limits for max DB (SAP HANA, etc.)

3-tier applications

  •  Run your 3-tier app entirely on Nutanix
  • Nutanix can run VMs plus block storage

How ABS (Acropolis block services) works:

  • Serve block storage via iSCSI to physical servers
  • Eliminates the need for iSCSI MPIO
  • Client intervention not required when the cluster scales out
  • Inherits all Nutanix features
  • Run VMs while serving external storage

First release RHEL 6, Windows Server 2012 R2, Oracle 6. On the road map is support for other OSes including ESXi (~3 months).

iSCSI supports SCSI-3 persistent reservations for clustered volumes

Evenly balances I/O across all cluster nodes

Tabrez goes into a deep dive of how we negate the need for client MPIO. Basically we hide all the complexity using various iSCSI commands like virtual targets, iSCSI redirection, etc.

You can create a ABS sub-group, and limit the iSCSI connections to a subset of the cluster nodes.

All data reduction features are supported (compression, dedupe, ECX), thin provisioning, SCSI UNMAP, CHAP authentication

Use cases:

  • Exchange + iSCSI Clustering
  • Shared storage clustering
  • MS SQL Clustering
  • Oracle RAC
  • Bare metal
  • scale-up performance

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