​Session: HBI4937BU; Kit Colbert
Unifying vSphere and Kubernetes
Modern application deployments are accelerating
More applications and solutions will be deployed in the next 5 years than in the previous 40.
A modern application is complex: Kubernetes cluster, legacy apps, database, serverless.
Challenges for developers and IT Ops from this complexity
Using Kubernetes to Manage Workloads
​​​​​What if you could manage VMs using Kubernetes?
Namespaces as the Unit of Management. Define:
- QoS
- Security
- Availability
- Access Controls
Project Pacific: Rearchitecting vSphere and Native Kubernetes
-Transforming vSphere into the app platform of the future
-Developer and IT ops collaboration
-Improved economics, speed
vSphere with Kubernetes
-Each ESXi cluster is now also a Kubernetes cluster
-Can provision VMs, PODs, or entire Kubernetes clusters
​-DRS does scheduling
-vSphere Native Pods runtime
-Control plane of vSphere
-Deliver Kubernetes cluster as a service for developers
-Converge VMs and containers using vSphere Native Pods that are high performing, secure and easy to consume
Application Focused Management
-App level control for applying policies, quota and role-based access control to developers
​-Apply vSphere features (HA, DRS, vMotion) at the app and container level
-Unified visibility in vCenter and Kubernetes clusters, containers, and existing VMs
Dev & IT Ops Collaboration
-Developers use Kubernetes APIs to access the SDDC
​-IT Operators use vSphere to deliver Kubernetes clusters to developers
-Consistent view between Dev and Ops via Kubernetes constructs in vSphere
Enable Kubernetes in vSphere with Supervisor Clusters
-Spherelet runs on each ESXi host along next to hostd
-Deploy a POD natively in ESXi
-CRX - optimized runtime for containers
-Can enforce that only signed images can run

​Kubernetes as a Service
-Guest clusters - focused on 100% Kubernetes compliance

​vSphere client has a lot Kubernetes cluster details. It's a first class citizen. Kubernetes events are surfaced in vSphere client.