macOS: How to Always Start Microsoft Edge in InPrivate Mode

I’m a fan of the Microsoft Edge browser for the Mac, and I use it as my daily driver. Sometimes you want to open an InPrivate session directly from the Mac dock. While not difficult to do, it took some research to do it exactly how I wanted. Other tutorials on the net I’ve seen only open an InPrivate instance if there’s literally no Edge processes running. My post shows you how to open InPrivate windows on demand, no matter how many Edge windows are open.

Adding Edge InPrivate Icon to the Mac Dock

  1. Launch the Apple Script Editor. You can find it the Applications / Utilities folder. 
  2. Click on the New Document button when the editor opens.

3. Copy and paste the following text into the Script Editor.

					do shell script "open -a /Applications/Microsoft\\ -n --args --inprivate"

4. Just to test that the script works, press the play button in the top menu bar. An InPrivate Edge window should launch, even if you have other Edge windows open.

5. In the Script Editor go to the File menu and select Save. Change the file name to Microsoft Edge, select the Applications folder, change the file format to Application, then click on Save.


6. Use Finder and open your Applications folder. Verify Microsoft Edge InPrivate is listed.

7. Now let’s get a new icon for the app. I suggest using a slightly different Edge icon than stock, so in the dock you know which Edge icon is which. You can see a variety of Edge icons here. Download whatever icon tickles your fancy.

8. In Finder right click on Microsoft Edge InPrivate and select Get Info.

9. Navigate to where you downloaded the Edge icon, and drag it over to the Get Info window on top of the white script icon.

10. Verify that the new icon is shown in the Get Info window.

11. You can now drag and drop from the Applications folder the new Edge InPrivate application into your dock. If you click the new icon a new Edge InPrivate window should open, even if you have other Edge windows open.


For those Mac users that use Edge, you might want an icon on your dock that opens a new InPrivate window. This blog post walks you through the steps to do just that. It even works if you have other Edge windows open. 

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