For those of you that have a VMware VCP4 and want to take the VCP5 exam without additional classroom training requirements, your time is short! February 29th, 2012 is the last day you can take upgrade exam. For some good study material, I recommend the vSphere Resource Kit site. It has a great interactive VCP5 practice exam. Is it worth the nominal fee? Yes!
VMware does have a 7-day waiting period for re-taking the exam. So I would encourage you to book your exam ASAP, so if you do fail you can retake before the end of the month. Slots may fill up very quick, so check with your nearest exam provider and book your test today.
In the interest of full disclosure I know the primary author, Chris McCain, and he graciously listed me as an author. But I get no kick back whatsoever. I just think it’s an excellent tool for your journey to a VCP5.