Author: Derek Seaman

Nutanix NOS 4.1.4 Features

If you are Nutanix customer, you know that we release new version of our NOS platform on a very frequent basis. Release timing varies, but every 2-3 months you will see releases pop up. Some are major with a boatload of new features, and some are more bug fixes with...

Injecting KVM VirtIO Drivers into Windows

When dealing with hypervisors it is not uncommon to be required to supply specific drivers in order to recognize the virtual hardware, such as NICs and SCSI controllers. A while back I wrote blog articles on how to inject VMware drivers (PVSCSI and VMXNET3) into a Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows...

vSphere 6 Hardening Guide GA

During much of my career, I've been in the Government space and had to implement DISA STIGs for a variety of products including hypervisors. If you are a VMware customer and plan on using vSphere 6.0, you will be pleased to know that the vSphere 6.0 hardening guide is now GA....

VMTurbo in the Cloud is here

The SaaS market is becoming very popular, and software that was once only on-prem is now migrating to the cloud. I'm excited to announce that with VMTurbo 5.2, it is now offered as SaaS deployment through AWS. This means you can now control your on-prem environment with VMTurbo in the cloud....

New Veeam v8 Nutanix Guides Available

Last year I blogged about the creation of Veeam v7 best practice guides for Nutanix plus VMware and Hyper-V. Those guides have been very popular, and helped a number of our customers and SEs. One of the number one compliments of Veeam that I hear from the field is now...

vSphere Install Pt. 16: User Solution Certificates

Now that we have vCenter installed, it's time to update our User Solution certificates for the vCenter services. This is a fairly straight forward process, using the combination of the VMware Certificate Manager tool and my vCenter 6.0 Toolkit. The VMware Certificate manager tool will automatically create the private keys...

VMworld Ticket Sweepstakes

Just like last year, VMTurbo is giving away a select number of free tickets to VMworld. They cover the conference fee, you cover travel and hotel. A great deal for those where your company won't send you, or you are an independent consultant. There are three drawings, one each on...

Channel 9 Ignite 2015 Session Downloader

As you know if you've been following my blog this week, Ignite 2015 took place in Chicago with hundreds of great sessions. In fact, this year all but one or two sessions were spot on. You can easily download all of the great Channel 9 recordings using the PowerShell script...

Ignite 2015: Encryption, Certificates and PKI

Session: BRK3130 Note: This was a great beginner level session for those not familiar with encryption, certificates or PKI. If you are in that boat, I would urge you to find the session video and watch the whole presentation. If you are a security professional and already know about these...

Ignite 2015: Windows Hello

Session: BRK2324 Shared secrets are easily breached Passwords are easily replayed and phished See previous "Microsoft Passport" session I blogged about for more info Security without convenience is dead in the water Keys are ideally generated in hardware TPM, software as last resort Single unlock gesture provides access to multiple...

Ignite 2015: Benchmarking SQL AlwaysOn

Session: BRK3557: Baselining and Benchmarking AlwaysOn Availability Groups In this session the speaker went through what SQL AlwaysOn availability groups is, and why the customer wanted to use it. Then he went through how he setup his testing, RAID levels, and listed the SQL perform stats that he monitored during...

Ignite 2015: Remotely managing Nano Server

Session: BRK3455 Note: This session had very densely packed slides and lots of demos. So I've changed things up and just included screenshots for this write up. If you want to run Nano I encourage you to check out the video recording to see all of the demos. Voice of...

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