Author: Derek Seaman

Home Network Upgrade (2023 Edition)

Home Network Upgrade (2023 Edition)

Along with a few updates to my 2023 dream home office setup (see post here), I also felt it was the time to do a whole house network upgrade. This post covers my network "refresh" that is built to support multi-gig, 10Gbps, PoE and enterprise WiFi. Nothing was broken with...

My Dream Desk Setup (2023 Edition)

My Dream Desk Setup (2023 Edition)

Introduction I've been working at home for over 8 years, so the pandemic didn't really change a lot for me in terms of where I work. In late 2021 and early 2022 I did a major redecoration of my home office and shared a blog post about that experience. Now...

NOTICE: RSS Feed URL Changing (Action Needed)

NOTICE: RSS Feed URL Changing (Action Needed)

Action needed: If you are a RSS subscriber to this blog, the URL is changing. For a long time I've used Feedblitz as a feed manager, but their utility has passed. I've started an immediate transition back to the standard Wordpress RSS URL of: update your favorite RSS reader with...

Using Wireguard with your Synology Docker Containers

Using Wireguard with your Synology Docker Containers

Do you own a Synology NAS with DSM 7.0 or 7.1 and run Docker containers? Would you like those containers to use a Wireguard VPN provider for increased privacy and security? If the answer is yes, then keep reading. In order to get Wireguard working for Docker containers on your Synology...

graphical user interface, application

Top macOS App picks for 2023

As 2023 is soon upon us, I wanted to give a shout out to what I think are the top macOS apps going into the new year. One of the reasons why I'm a fairly recent Windows to Mac convert (about 3 years ago) is the quality of the ecosystem...

My Dream Desk Setup (2022 Edition)

My Dream Desk Setup (2022 Edition)

Introduction I've been a remote worker for the last 7 years, and during that time my office setup has evolved. So when COVID hit, nothing changed for me in terms of my work environment. However, what has changed for me is my at-home desk setup. Over the past few months...

Home Automation: Hubitat Hub SMTP/SMS Notifications

Home Automation: Hubitat Hub SMTP/SMS Notifications

For a couple of years now I've been using the Hubitat Elevation C7 home automation hub. I was doing some tweaking this weekend, and I wanted to setup SMTP and SMS notification channels. I had been using Twilio for SMS, but it wasn't a free service. And I also wanted...

My Stream Deck XL Configuration Explained

My Stream Deck XL Configuration Explained

A few months ago I saw several people I follow on Twitter exclaiming about their Stream Deck. I'm not a "streamer" nor do I do Twitch, but the concept of physical buttons to run commands on my Mac was very interesting. My button configuration is ever evolving, but I thought...

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