Category: SSL

Windows Server 2012 R2 Two-Tier PKI CA Pt. 2

Now that our root Windows Server 2012 R2 certificate authority is installed and published to Active Directory from Part 1, it is time to bring online our subordinate CA. The subordinate CA will be our online issuing CA, since it will be the CA which issues all certificates, be they for users,...

Are VMware vSphere 5.1 bugs behind us?

If anyone has been following the release of vSphere 5.1, you know it was not exactly a smooth launch. In fact, I would dare to call it a huge debacle. To me, it seems like it was rushed out the door without having components even beta tested, like the required...

Creating a SSL certificate for Citrix Netscaler

A high availability VDI deployment, such as XenDesktop 5, demands that you use multiple servers to provide broker redundancy. As such, a load balancer such as the Citrix Netscaler comes in mighty handy. The NetScaler can also act as an ICA proxy between a trusted and untrusted network, such as the internet...

How strong is your SSL? Sniff and find out!

Today a colleague of mine asked me if I really thought one could tell what cipher strength is used during SSL transactions. I said sure! Piece of cake if you know what to look for. Just like in the movie Matrix, if you stare at the cipher text long enough...

Enable SQL SSL with low-privileged service account

One of the neat security features with SQL 2005 and later is the ability to use a SSL certificate to encrypt off-host SQL server communications over port 1433. Encrypting communications between your SQL server and your remote applications is strongly recommended. Do you really want credit card data, personal information...

PowerShell command to change Windows Cipher Suite Order

While journying down the whole cipher suite road this weekend, I put together a little one liner that reconfigures the cipher suite order that Windows will try and use. As I mentioned in a previous blog, you can configure this via GPO. But, maybe you want to build in the...

Easily configure your Windows Cipher Suites!

After many hours of digging around the Windows registry and experimenting with various keys to enable TLS 1.2 on Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 (see my blog post here), I found this free tool that gives you one click access to configuring your Windows Cipher Suites. The Harden...

vSphere ESXi SSL mystery solved

For quite a while I've been trying to get SSL certificates uploaded to an ESXi 4.0 host which were issued by our internal Microsoft CA. Unfortunately I ran into issues, the last being that adding an ESXi 4.0 host to vCenter 4.0 with the certificate would die at 80%.After additional...

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