Category: Microsoft

Ignite 2015: Hyper-V 2016

Session: BRK3461 Note: The focus of this session is on what's new in Hyper-V technical preview 2. It will NOT cover all the new features, or features in future server builds. The presenter all flipped through the slides very fast, so I didn't get all of the details. I recommend...

Ignite 2015: New Windows Containers

Session: Brk2493 Datacenter inflection points: Physical machines, machine virtualization; Infrastructure hosting - early cloud; services IaaS, PaaS, SaaS; Containers - DevOps Container Ecosystem: Container run-time; Container image; Image Repository Image Creation: When a container is created it is a sanboxed area in the host operating system. An app thinks it...

Ignite 2015: Server Nano: The Future

Session: BRK2461 Note: This was a great session with the right balance of technical content. Demo gods were not with the speakers, so a couple of demos failed. Definitely worth viewing the video of though! Voice of the customer: Reboots impact my business, server images are too big, infrastructure requires...

Ignite 2015: Goodbye Passwords, Hello Passport

Session: BRK2333 This session focused on the new Microsoft Passport that is shipping with Windows 10 and Server 2016. This is different from the legacy "Passport" service that Microsoft used for past online services. These features are NOT available in down-level versions of Windows, such as Windows 8 or 7....

Ignite 2015: Platform vision: System Center Mgmt

Session: BRK2459 Note: This session just gave a quick overview of each System Center component. They flashed a slide up with lots of bullet points and did several demos. There are deep dive sessions for most components throughout the week. So if you are interested, check those sessions out for...

Ignite 2015: Platform security vision

Session: BRK2482 Technology landscape: Virtualization: VMs decoupled from hardware. Can't use TPM, UEFI, secure boot, etc. VM mobility, complex lifecycle, strong isolation. Cloud Computing: Treat your systems like cattle, not pets. Management process at scale. Distributed cloud. Service Providers: trust boundary between tenant and service provider. Governance, risk, compliance. Cloud...

Ignite 2015: Platform Vision: Storage

Session: BRK2485 What is SDS? Cloud-inspired infrastructure and design - Commodity HW, cost efficiencies Evolving technologies - Flash, network performance, VMs and containers Data explosion - Device proliferation, modern apps Scale out with simplicity - Integrated solutions, rapid time to solution, policy-based management Storage Customer choice: Private cloud with traditional...

Ignite 2015: Exchange 2016

Session: FND2204 Superior performance and reliability – fault tolerance and self-healing baked in Robust, Proven architecture Flexible, future-ready foundation Deeply integrated with other products Office 365 introduces the new features, baked, refined, then packaged into Exchange 2016. Final release will be fall/winter 2015 Exchange 2016 focus areas: Better collaboration, smarter...

Ignite 2015: Platform Vision – Server Virtualization

Session ID: BRK2466 2016: The power of Azure with the control of the datacenter Microsoft Azure stack: Taking advantage of Azure services on premises Deploy enterprise-grade virtualization and IaaS platform Fritionless "cloud cadence" infrastructure upgrades What are frictionless upgrades? Rolling upgrades, mixed-mode clusters Benchmark-setting scale, performance and resilience Best-in-class for...

Microsoft Ignite: Keynote

So here we are, at Microsoft Ignite 2015 in Chicago. This is the first ever Ignite conference, a combination of TechEd and other conferences into one HUGE venue. Whenever I attend conferences I live blog, and this will be no exception. Today we are graced by Satya Nadella, the Microsoft...

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