Tag: vCenter

vCenter 5.1 SSL Pre-Staging Script

UPDATE 4/28/2013: VMware has released the vCenter Certificate Automation tool. This is a better tool for replacing the vCenter SSL certificates (post-install), and does not require pre-staging the certificates. Since this is an official tool, and does more than my pre-staging method, I strongly urge you to follow my refreshed...

vCenter 5.1 U1 Installation: Part 13 (VUM Configuration)

This installment of the 15 part vSphere 5.1 Installation covers some basic VUM configuration that most people will want to do. In Part 12 we configured VUM to use trusted SSL certificates. Now that the under the covers configuration of VUM is done, we need to perform some basic GUI configuration...

vCenter 5.1 U1 Installation: Part 12 (VUM SSL Certificate)

Welcome to the vSphere 5.1 Update 1 VUM SSL certificate replacement procedures. In Part 11 we installed VMware vCenter Update Manager (VUM) 5.1 Update 1. Recently VMware released the vCenter Certificate automation tool, which helps lessen the pain associated with replacing the self-signed certificates with trusted certificates. I recommend you use that...

vSphere 5.1 Install Screen

vCenter 5.1 U1 Installation: Part 4 (Inventory Service Install)

The vCenter inventory service install is straight forward and only takes a few minutes. The inventory service caches queries from the Web Broswer to increase the perceived responsiveness of vCenter, and in large environments lets you offload the process to another VM or closer to your administrators. This installation is quick and pain...

vCenter RSA Private key

vCenter 5.1 U1 Install: Part 2 (Create vCenter SSL Certificates)

Welcome to Part 2 of the 15 part vCenter 5.1 Update 1 installation series. This post will guide you through the process of creating the vSphere 5.1 Update 1 vCenter SSL certificates. ALL production environments should use trusted SSL certs, not just "high security" environments. Key infrastructure services are probably running on vSphere, so security...

vSphere 5.1 Install Screen

vCenter 5.1 U1 Installation: Part 1 (SSO Service)

Welcome to the 15-part VMware vCenter 5.1 U1 installation series! Given all of the new components and architecture of VMware vCenter 5.1, I wanted to walk through the entire installation of vCenter 5.1, assuming a greenfield environment. These instructions are assuming you are using vSphere 5.1 Update 1, which was released in...

HP Insight Control for vCenter Announcement

Today at VMworld HP announced their the HP Insight Control for vCenter. In a nut shell, HP is adding a new tab in vCenter which allows you to quickly monitor hardware health with one button launch to iLO, SIM, or power stats. Red/yellow/green lights for many subsystems let you quickly...

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