Category: VDI

vSphere 5.0 Licensing Changes

One of the major announcements today that has gotten customers worked up a little bit is the change in the licensing model with vSphere 5.0. In previous versions licenses were tied to the number CPU sockets, and the various editions had limitations on maximum physical memory supported and the number...

Outlook in a VDI environment? Think Exchange 2010!

When migrating towards a VDI environment you really have to re-think your entire architecture. Servers, hypervisor, storage, application delivery, network, and everything in between. Simple things like anti-virus can wreck havoc and cause massive I/O storms that bring your VDI environment to its knees. One aspect that I hadn't thought...

PowerCLI Script to dump VDI VM IO Stats

During a VDI pilot you really need to gather some real-world stats on how your client VMs are performing. People generally underestimate the workload VDI can put on a SAN. Thankfully if you are using vSphere 4.x, you can easily pull the stats with a short PowerShell script. I took...

VDI Storage – Right size it or anger your users!

According to Citrix, the number one mistake people make when deploying VDI is not sizing their storage properly for performance. However, calculating a target IOPS for your environment is far from easy and you really need to understand VDI, its unique workloads, and your storage subsystem. There are many blogs...

VIR313: RemoteFX GPU Virtualization Deep Dive

This session went into great gory depth on how RemoteFX works, and the hardware requirements. What is RemoteFX? RemoteFX is a new technology in Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and Windows 7 SP1 that when combined with a VDI environment allows efficient host-side rendering of graphics and multimedia. It requires...

WCL307: How to Develop a Succesful Desktop Strategty

This session was also very good, but a higher level session that didn't discuss any particular technical solutions. In fact the speaker said he's solution agnostic, as any given company has many scenarios and there's no one size fits all solution. The speaker is a Microsoft strategist, who talks to...

PXE Booting a Wyse zero client, Part 2

Yes, time for part 2 of the Wyse PXE booting series. Part 1 described the general concept and why you might want to PXE boot your Wyse zero client instead of having embedded flash for the ThinOS. The remainder of this post will cover the technical details on how to...

VDI Smackdown..who wins?

If your organization is looking at deploying VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure), I highly recommend you check out the VDI Smackdown report by PQR. It has a very lengthy and highly detailed feature comparison matrix of leading VDI solutions such as Citrix XenDesktop 4.0 SP1, Microsoft Server 2008 R2 Remote Desktop...

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